Transition to Holy Garden
Acrylic on foldable wooden panel, 112 x 160 cm (2 pieces), 2017.
The mental state develops from one situation to another, from one place to another this transition mirrors the ‘Transition to Holy Garden’, which describes the process of physical change in nature. Regarding the social and political situation of the people, we live in a period in which there is a freeze. In this process there is a disjunction between the individual and social. A disconnection which prevents slowing down, looking at, analyzing, focusing on and producing solutions to get better access. ‘Transition to Holy Garden’ depicts a transformation process in the nature with a trilogy of birth, life and death using the image of apples, a fruit from heaven, painted on a wooden panel. This is well used image in religious painting since antiquity. The process of transformation from fruit to blossom symbolizes the contrast between in-‐out, soul-‐body, visible-‐unseen, known-‐unknown, and the balance and flow between them. In the mind, it emphasizes the importance of the spiritual work to be done in order to create our own sacred place filled with time and in touch with beauty.